§ 230-13. Sketch plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Subdividers shall submit a sketch plan to the Planning Department for staff review and comment prior to meeting with the Planning Board. Submission of a sketch plan shall not constitute formal filing of a preliminary plat with the Planning Board.
    Sketch plan requirements. A sketch plan shall consist of a freehand layout of the site including, as available, a tentative street layout, proposed lot arrangement showing the number of lots, identification of existing structures, watercourses, wooded areas, possible wetland areas, proposed open space areas, scenic views, both off the site and on, existing zoning and large rock outcrops of construction significance. The developer shall also submit to the Planning Department relevant segments of United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps depicting the topographic contours of the site; United States Soil Conservation Service maps showing the soil survey of the site; and, on sites of 20 acres or more, aerial photographs with sufficient detail to make identifiable the aforementioned natural features.